Einstein's Opponents
English: http://www.cambridge.org/...
http://www.amazon.com/... German: http://www.amazon.de/... E-Book: http://www.campus.de/... Book Awards: – Georg Uschmann Award for the History of Science of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2009). – Award for the Promotion of Young Scholars, German Society for the History of Medicine, Science and Technology (2010). – Fritz Thyssen Foundation, VG Wort, German Publishers and Booksellers Association, and the Federal Foreign Office of Germany: Translation grant for innovative and outstanding publications in the field of humanities and social science (2011). Reviewed In: Physik Journal Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Spektrum der Wissenschaft Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics |
Work In Progress
Acid Controversies
With Dale Jamieson (research paper).
Traveling pollutants: Disputes about the reliability of air pollution models in the 1980s in North America and Europe
(invited book chapter).
Up in the air: tall smokestacks and the emergence of transboundary air pollution
(research paper)
Gone with the Wind? The Science, Modeling and Politics of Transboundary Air Pollution, 1950–1990.
(book in progress)
With Dale Jamieson (research paper).
Traveling pollutants: Disputes about the reliability of air pollution models in the 1980s in North America and Europe
(invited book chapter).
Up in the air: tall smokestacks and the emergence of transboundary air pollution
(research paper)
Gone with the Wind? The Science, Modeling and Politics of Transboundary Air Pollution, 1950–1990.
(book in progress)
Research Papers and Book Chapters
How to (not) quantify an environmental problem: Measuring the extent of lake acidification in Canada, Norway and the U.S. in the 1980s
(under review, available on request).
Linearity: The emergence and decline of a controversial issue in 1980s air pollution research
(under review, available on request).
U.S. acid rain assessments in the 1980s
Assessing Assessments: A Historical and Philosophical Study of Scientific Assessments for Environmental Policy in the 20th Century, edited by Dale Jamieson, Naomi Oreskes, and Micheal Oppenheimer (forthcoming, available on request).
2013. Marginalization Processes in Science: The Controversy about the Theory of Relativity in the 1920s
Social Studies of Science 43(2): 163–190.
2010. The 1922 Einstein Film: Cinematic Innovation and Public Controversy
Full text: Physics in Perspective (2010), Volume 12, No. 2: 163–179.
2005. Wer waren Einsteins Gegner?
Full text: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, No. 25-26: 17–23.
2005. Einstein in the Daily Press. A Glimpse Into the Gehrcke Papers
The Universe of General Relativity, edited by Jean Eisenstaedt and Anne Kox, Birkhäuser 2005: 339–356.
Full text in: In the Shadow of the Relativity Revolution download PDF.
2005. ‘Einstein on the Murder List!’ – The Attacks on Einstein and the Theory of Relativity in 1922
Chief Engineer of the Universe – One Hundred Authors for Einstein, edited by Juergen Renn, Wiley-VCH 2005: 222–225.
2000. The Classical Image of Science and the Future of Science Policy
Innovative structures in basic research: Ringberg-Symposium, 4 - 7 October 2000 (with J. Renn, U. Schoepflin, and
D. Wintergrün), Munich: MPG 2002: 11–21.
(under review, available on request).
Linearity: The emergence and decline of a controversial issue in 1980s air pollution research
(under review, available on request).
U.S. acid rain assessments in the 1980s
Assessing Assessments: A Historical and Philosophical Study of Scientific Assessments for Environmental Policy in the 20th Century, edited by Dale Jamieson, Naomi Oreskes, and Micheal Oppenheimer (forthcoming, available on request).
2013. Marginalization Processes in Science: The Controversy about the Theory of Relativity in the 1920s
Social Studies of Science 43(2): 163–190.
2010. The 1922 Einstein Film: Cinematic Innovation and Public Controversy
Full text: Physics in Perspective (2010), Volume 12, No. 2: 163–179.
2005. Wer waren Einsteins Gegner?
Full text: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, No. 25-26: 17–23.
2005. Einstein in the Daily Press. A Glimpse Into the Gehrcke Papers
The Universe of General Relativity, edited by Jean Eisenstaedt and Anne Kox, Birkhäuser 2005: 339–356.
Full text in: In the Shadow of the Relativity Revolution download PDF.
2005. ‘Einstein on the Murder List!’ – The Attacks on Einstein and the Theory of Relativity in 1922
Chief Engineer of the Universe – One Hundred Authors for Einstein, edited by Juergen Renn, Wiley-VCH 2005: 222–225.
2000. The Classical Image of Science and the Future of Science Policy
Innovative structures in basic research: Ringberg-Symposium, 4 - 7 October 2000 (with J. Renn, U. Schoepflin, and
D. Wintergrün), Munich: MPG 2002: 11–21.
Other Academic Publications
2008. Max Planck. Revolutionär wider Willen
Spektrum der Wissenschaft Biographie, January (author team member).
2005. Albert Einstein. Chief Engineer of the Universe
Einstein’s Life and Work in Context, edited by Juergen Renn, Wiley-VCH (author team member).
2004. In the Shadow of the Relativity Revolution
Preprint No. 271 (with J. Renn and M. Schemmel), Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.
Spektrum der Wissenschaft Biographie, January (author team member).
2005. Albert Einstein. Chief Engineer of the Universe
Einstein’s Life and Work in Context, edited by Juergen Renn, Wiley-VCH (author team member).
2004. In the Shadow of the Relativity Revolution
Preprint No. 271 (with J. Renn and M. Schemmel), Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.
Book Reviews
2014. Review of Wissenschaft und Demokratie, edited by Michael Hagner.
Isis, Volume 105, No. 1: 198–199.
2010. Review of Philipp Lenard. Erinnerungen eines deutschen Naturforschers, edited by Arne Schirrmacher.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 31 May.
2009. Review of Einstein’s Generation. The Origins of the Relativity Revolution by Richard Staley.
Centaurus, Volume 52: 166–168.
Isis, Volume 105, No. 1: 198–199.
2010. Review of Philipp Lenard. Erinnerungen eines deutschen Naturforschers, edited by Arne Schirrmacher.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 31 May.
2009. Review of Einstein’s Generation. The Origins of the Relativity Revolution by Richard Staley.
Centaurus, Volume 52: 166–168.
Popular Science Publications
2010. The Relativity Deniers
The New Scientist, Volume 208, Issue 2786, 13 November: 48–51.
2009. Alles ist relativ, sogar der Walzer
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 1 November.
2009. Who were Einstein’s Opponents?
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Feature Article.
2005. Der Weltweise
Spektrum der Wissenschaft Spezial, No. 1 (with M. Schüring): 22–23.
2005. Die verfilmte Relativität
Spektrum der Wissenschaft Spezial, No. 1: 24–27.
2005. Schwierige Reise
Frankreich-Besuch von nationalistischen Ressentiments überschattet
Portal, No. 1/3: 28–29.
2005. Physik in bräunlichem Sumpf
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 20 November.
The New Scientist, Volume 208, Issue 2786, 13 November: 48–51.
2009. Alles ist relativ, sogar der Walzer
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 1 November.
2009. Who were Einstein’s Opponents?
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Feature Article.
2005. Der Weltweise
Spektrum der Wissenschaft Spezial, No. 1 (with M. Schüring): 22–23.
2005. Die verfilmte Relativität
Spektrum der Wissenschaft Spezial, No. 1: 24–27.
2005. Schwierige Reise
Frankreich-Besuch von nationalistischen Ressentiments überschattet
Portal, No. 1/3: 28–29.
2005. Physik in bräunlichem Sumpf
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 20 November.